Presence Mississauga

Presence relates to the state or fact of existing, occurring or being present in a place or thing.

curators Hibah Mian, Amrita Virdi, Amanda Foulds, Eldiana Begovic

A collection of Mississauga stories displayed through an array of mediums

Presence was a year-long program funded by the City of Mississauga. Throughout the program, residents were invited to participate in workshops, exhibitions, and performances, to explore storytelling and uncover the city’s cultural identities. The final project was a living repository of contributed Mississauga stories. The project aimed to use the city's cultural spaces to amplify young BIPOC creatives to share and collect cultural samples.

The project exhibited over 30 artists within 6 months that showcased Mississauga’s diverse talent.

The final exhibition activated the Bradley Museum with artists, Whyishnave Suthagar and Amrita Chopra who work in multi-media genres that reflect the notions of a meditative and immersive experience with oneself. Presence Mississauga, a curated short film by Hibah Mian, is a glance at a lens that shows nothing short of being present and finding a presence in each footstep of life. Mississauga is home to unexplored stories and untapped conversations of creativity. Production Team: Free Creates Studios

Presence, the film
Presence Mississauga, a curated short film by Hibah Mian, is a glance at a lens that shows nothing short of being present and finding a presence in each footstep of life. Mississauga is home to unexplored stories and untapped conversations of creativity.

The short film premiered at the Mississauga Celebration Square Screens in August 2021.

View the archive here:

profiling Presence Film team

Executive Producer Tristan Challenger

Director/Writer Dahol Otoide

Assistant Director Tristan Challenger

Director of Photography David Grif

Photographer Yousef Moussa

generously supported by

The City of Mississauga

Museums of Mississauga

Mississauga Celebration Square

Images by Yousef Moussa

Film by Freecreates Studio

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