Rahlandi: Adventures in the WestEnd

As part of ArtworxTO Presented by UrbanArts and the City of Toronto in collaboration with Squibb’s Stationer’s

curated by Hibah Mian

As part of ArtworxTO Presented by UrbanArts and the City of Toronto

Rah-lan-d-ee Definition: An imaginary land of magical people and places.

As part of ArtworxTO: Toronto’s Year of Public Art: 2021 - 2022, Rahlandi is a first of its kind comic book based on Weston Road in partnership with UrbanArts and Toronto’s oldest bookstore, Squibb’s. Rahlandi provides insight on 5 friends from the neighbourhood of Weston who find themselves convinced that a riddled note is causing disaster. Louisa, Jan, Kiara, Jordan and Dalia set off on an adventure to decode the mysterious message, all to find RAHLANDI.

Free copies of the comic were distributed during the opening reception held at Squibb’s Stationers to commemorate their 95th anniversary with appearances from Councillor Nunziata, Community Neighbourhood Officers of 12 Division, Suri from Squibb’s and the Weston Village BIA.


Illustrator, digital renderings and colour coding BASICARTHOE

Writer and Editor Desiree Green

Letterer Lakia Sage


City of Toronto

In collaboration with Squibb’s Stationer’s

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