What Are You Grateful For? Installation 1 & 2

As part of ArtworxTO Presented by UrbanArts and the City of Toronto

curated and designed by Hibah Mian

As part of ArtworxTO Presented by UrbanArts and the City of Toronto

What Are You Grateful For is an interactive public art installation as part of ArtworxTO: Toronto’s Year of Public Art 2021-2022.

The 8.3 ft standing structure provides an emphasis on the psycho-social interpretation of colour and its effects while approaching the subject of gratitude with a simple question. Reflective in its design, the installation interacts directly with the viewer. What Are You Grateful For is a version of a bold statement in the heart of Weston that gives beyond just a fleeting thought.

Accompanying the warmer toned installation at Artscape Weston Common is another identical structure but in cooler tones located at UrbanArts’ head office. The community is engaged throughout the geographical area and presents coloured compositions that encourage viewers to participate in an ongoing conversation.

Location: Artscape Weston Common, UrbanArts(5 Bartonville Ave E, York ON)

craftsmanship and production

Lando Cortez


City of Toronto

Ontario Arts Council

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